Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The 2nd sequel..

hey guys!

I've tried so hard these days to get into my earlier blog.. but that just wouldn't do... why? beats me. so I've made a new blog.. yea yea don't worry it's still going to be very bell-ish =)

yea.. so speaking about that.. let's start the blog..

Dear DUmb blog,
since our ballet teacher went for this dance association, she left us with a sub, Don't get me wrong, i love her teaching.. it's just her method.. she said that we as on now we're in inter-foundation, we NEED to strengthen our muscles, so she made us do some exercises, and they were just horrible!! It felt like my legs hated me so much that they were going on strike.
And the exercises aren't you're average leg lifts or anything like that.. hah, No no no no.. you wish.. it was like you had to be on grond fondue and rondejon on the don. and if you wanted to know how that feels like, well.. it feels like you're leg was stuck in quick sand, and you're trying to get out with every part of you're body paralyzed...
Believe it wasn't a pretty site.. well at least to the teacher it wasn't... cause my girls and I were doing some weird actions that no normal being would normally do... oh yea.. we cracked up... alot.

And today is the end day of my oh so "stressed up" brother's huge exam! He sure looks excited.. well, today is the beginning of the end time of my brother being an arsehole into a completely useless one. oh gosh... say goodbye to hardworking Asian people for now.

yup yup... so I guess that pretty much sums up every since I couldn't sign up to my previous blog.. So I'll stop right......... HERE.

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